The Leaders Of The New Paradigm Academy is meant to support the ones who want to take the first step to build the New Paradigm. It is meant to support you with skills needed for your own inner transformation so you can be of service for our collective transformation.

What you will learn is how to lead yourself authentically, how to deal with overwhelm and difficult situations and emotions, how to understand your pain instead of avoiding it, how to find what is deeply meaningful for you in life and serves our planet to become a better place for the next generations to come at the same time.

"This work has supported me through some of the most challenging decisions that I have had to make in my career and personal life.  Using intuitive, skilful approaches it has helped me dissolve deeply ingrained conditioning that had been holding me back from meaningful change.  I now have a clear vision that I am making tangible progress towards. A path that I had previously considered radical, risky and out of reach now feels exciting and definitely achievable. Above all, I feel more flexible, creative and alive! I am infinitely grateful"

- Adam K, Managing Director, global investment bank

Angel Hernandez

Angel is a full-blood entrepreneur and international expert in co-creative project development.

Over the last 15+ years, he has mentored individuals, groups, and organizations to overcome hierarchical structures and transformational challenges.

As Co-Founder of Connected Business, he uses innovative learning organization models to go beyond learned behaviour.

Angel has dedicated his whole life to finding ecological and sustainable solutions and serving social innovation. His application of high-performance strategies and his own mindfulness practice enables him to look beyond the surface of things, and his servant leadership style helps bring out the best in people.

Mounira Latrache

Mounira is a business mentor supporting leaders and organizations to learn the skills for inner transformation so that they can create a New Paradigm of Leadership that serves humanity, social justice and the planet.

Her focus lies in the journey from self- leadership to co-leadership. She brings 20+ years of leadership experience at international brands like Google, Red Bull, and BMW.

As one of the pioneers of Google’s mindfulness community, its success led her to train teams at companies around the world. And it inspired her to become the co-founder of Connected Business and an internationally certified Search Inside Yourself trainer. Her mission is to empower Leaders of the New Paradigm who find new ways of co-collaboration to create a world that serves the next 7 generations to come. In the past years, she worked with and mentored more than 25.000 (business) pioneers and trained hundreds of teachers globally.

Her book "Connected Business: How I learned to lead myself and others" was published by Ariston/Randomhouse Publishing in April 2020. 

About Connected Business

Connected Business was founded by Angel Hernandez & Mounira Latrache.

It trains skills for inner & collective transformation needed to build The New Paradigm that serves an Interconnected World, Social Justice, Planet Regeneration, and Heart Wisdom - dedicated to Future Generations

In doing so we are building a community with a common purpose – connected, mindful and loving, that values diversity and authenticity, courage, authenticity integrity and sustainability. 

We are part of a global movement – join us!

We have built the Leaders Of The New Paradigm Academy in order to support of this movement.